New Service Offering: Nutrition Counseling for Pregnancy

with Mary Lindsey Jackson, RD, LDN, CHWC

Pregnancy is a time when a woman’s body undergoes incredible transformations to nurture and bring a new life (or lives!) into the world. At each stage in this journey, nutrition is an incredibly powerful tool for ensuring both your well-being and also the optimal growth and development of your baby. Did you know that what you eat during pregnancy can have an impact on your baby’s health years down the line - from risk of metabolic disease, picky eating, to food allergies/atopic disease? So fascinating! At the same time, while nutrition is important, there are also specific changes in pregnancy (hello morning sickness or late night reflux) that can make it challenging to eat well during this important time. 

Whether you just need one visit to ask specific questions or get recommendations, or would like more frequent support throughout your pregnancy, I’m here to help. In these one-on-one prenatal nutrition counseling sessions, these are some of the areas we might cover: 

  • Nutrient needs by trimester 

  • Supplementation (which prenatal multivitamin to choose, other supplements that may be needed based on your diet and medical history)

  • Pregnancy side effects (nausea/vomiting, reflux, constipation, fatigue, cravings)

  • Appropriate rate of weight gain in pregnancy 

  • Pregnancy-safe foods and what to avoid

  • Managing or reducing risk for conditions like gestational diabetes, pre-eclampsia, cholestasis, perinatal depression/anxiety, pregnancy post-bariatric surgery

  • Preventing future health risks in your baby

  • Postpartum planning for recovery after birth or breastfeeding support 

  • Skills such as meal planning and cooking

I have completed training in prenatal nutrition through the Early Life Nutrition Alliance and American College of Lifestyle Medicine, and work to stay on top of the latest research coming out in this area. On a personal level, having been through two pregnancies myself, I understand the challenges, concerns, and frequent questions that can arise. I would love to help guide you through these in a compassionate, realistic, individualized way. My mission is to help you achieve a healthy, vibrant pregnancy by providing evidence-based nutrition support tailored to your unique needs. 

To book an initial consultation, purchase a package of appointments, or schedule a free 15-minute discovery phone call, please visit our scheduling page (note, select Mary Lindsey Jackson as the RD when booking for this service).